If you can identify with either of these, there is solution to your dilemma; the gospel tract. No matter what your situation is, there is a tract for you.
You can find all sorts of creative ice-breaker type tracts that will help open up a conversation with a complete stranger, as well as tracts you can use to transition a conversation from natural to spiritual things. There are tracts you can just leave in places where people will find them, and tracts you can give away in places like drive-thru windows. There are very thorough tracts you can give to people after you share Jesus with them, and tracts you can give to people you are afraid to share verbally with.
The great thing about tracts is that people really do read them, and if they are good tracts, often people keep them in a drawer somewhere and end up reading them again and again. You never know where a tract will end up, or who will wind up reading them. Also, tracts are great at getting the gospel through to people who would otherwise argue with you during a conversation because they read the whole thing without getting into debates and going down rabbit trails.
Another great thing about gospel tracts is that they are so easy to give away. If you are polite in your approach, people almost always take them. I have given out tens of thousands of tracts, and I can tell you that I have never been beaten up for it. I think I can count on one hand the times when someone actually got angry about it. The vast majority of people will take them from you. Just check out this short 1 minute clip and see how easy it is.
Or, you can click on the video on the fishing adventures sidebar if you are on my blogspot page.
Giving out tracts is easy and effective. Why wouldn't we make the most out of this wonderful method of sharing the gospel? You can purchase tracts fairly inexpensively. I buy them from Living Waters, where most of them are 5-7 bucks per hundred.
Here is a cool take on tracts, adapted from a teaching by Mark Spence, Dean of the online School of Biblical Evangelism:
Why use Tracts?
A tract is never embarrassed, timid nor fearful and isn't hurt by rejection.
It does not flinch and show cowardice when the Truth it conveys is not believed.
It never yields to the temptation to compromise the Truth of the gospel of Christ.
It speaks clearly and right to the point.
It never argues back when its message is disputed, and it always sticks to the Truth.
It glorifies only Jesus as the Holy Spirit reveals the Word of God to its readers.
It never gets tired and gives up.
It keeps on working while you are sleeping, even when you are unable to distribute it.
It is always ready to witness to its readers at any time and at any location.
It can get inside of a house and stay there, even in secret places where you cannot gain entrance, to be revealed at a chosen time.
It cost very little and travels inexpensively.
It travels by any mode or class and in all kinds of climate and weather conditions.
It requires no food, clothing or shelter.
It is easily carried in a pocket or purse and between the pages of a book.
It can be used by anyone, any age, deaf, mute, crippled or even in a wheelchair.
It can be used by either the intellectual or the uneducated, because no speaking skills are needed to convey its message.
It conveys a message that is not ever lost, like a sermon, and can be read over and over again, long after you are gone and forgotten
It always catches a person in the right mood, because the Holy Spirit will always speak to the heart as the Word is being read.
It needs no translator, when it is in the language of the reader, as the Holy Spirit reveals His Word instantly to the reader. It may be read by scores of people before God is finished with its purpose.
It can do a great work for God and lead many people to the knowledge of Christ.
Places to Hand out Tracts:
Sporting events
Book stores (Religious Section)
Barnes and Nobles.
Newspaper stands
Pay phone Phonebooks (escort & Abortion listings)
Shopping carts
Clothes pockets in stores
Along with a generous tip
Drop in bags & Purses
Inside restaurant menus
Drive Thru
Restroom stalls
Rest areas.
Diaper changing stations
ATM machines
Credit card slots
Junk mail envelopes
Hotel dressers and drawers
Magazine racks
Newspaper racks
Waiting rooms of doctors’ offices and hospitals
On seats at airports, subways, and bus stations
Plane seat pockets
O Sleeves in DVD Jackets
Truck stops
Case of Beers
Plastic brochure holder by your door.
Movie Rentals
Napkin holders
EBay shipments.
Pin to bulletin boards in public places
Tracts are one of the best resources we have in street witnessing. You can reach more people in a few minutes in a big crowd with tracts than the average church reaches in one year. So find a tract that you can use, and use it often.
There are people heading for an eternity in hell. It really is true. You are like a doctor who has a cure to cancer. Don't keep it to yourself. Share it with the world.
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