Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We are moving

This blog is to inform you that Billy's Tackle box will be moving to a different site. To continue to receive my blog, go to www.sowingtheseed.com and subscribe to the blog there. it will not be under the same name, but it will still be my weekly blog. It is just a whole lot easier to keep it on one site. My fishing buddy Josh and I have been building the Sowing the Seed site for a while, and we hope that it will soon be finished. We're just in the middle of making a lot more changes.
So please log onto our website and subscribe there. You will still recieve the blog every time I publish one. Thanks, guys and gals... Blessings.... Billy

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tracting, Part 2

A few weeks ago you read "Tracts 101", which had a detailed list of great places to leave tracts. Gospel tracts are a wonderfully effective tool in sharing the gospel. I'm not talking about using weird or boring tracts. I think that a tract needs to be interesting, and unique in a way that people will read them through, even if they end up throwing them into the trash. Let's face it, we are bombarded with all kinds of leaflets advertising this or that product, churches and even cults use them. So they must be original and be intriguing.
I remember once about 13 years ago, I was on a nature hike in the woods, and as I walked over a bridge, I spotted a $20 bill folded up and squeezed into the railing. But to my dismay, (and irritation) upon opening it up, it turned out to be a gospel tract. My excitement suddenly faded as I became somewhat annoyed that someone would trick me like that. So I don't use those types of tracts.
I do use a fake $1,000,000 bill, but I show people the gospel message on the back to make sure they know what it is, making it obvious to them that its a novelty. Almost everyone loves them. I keep a pile of them in my wallet, and every time I make a purchase, I give one to the check-out guy/gal. Also, I drop them into my bills as I mail them out. Why not? Just don't send them out in a bill that is being paid late!
Another fun method is to get your hands on some smaller size tracts, and go into the beer and wine section of a retailer and slip them into the cases of beer. They have a wide enough opening on them to give you plenty of room to slide them in. Last time I was at Wal-Mart I put 50 tracts in beer cases. It was really fun. I wish I was a fly on the wall when they were discovered!
You can also go into bookstores and put tracts in the pages of books and magazines. What's great about this is that you can target your readers by what types of literature you choose to place them in. Go to the new age sections and load up the books. You will look like the average patron as you flip through the book before you put it back on the shelf. The key is to be stealthy. You can also go to the magazine rack and put them in the pages of all the papparazzo mags, gay mags, etc. Just be careful that you don't spend too much time in the "soft" porn areas. It's not good for you, and you don't want another believer or your pastor to see you there!
These are just a few of the ways I like to distribute tracts. They are really a lot of fun. I like to keep a lot of different kinds of tracts on me for different types of situations. For example, when I am in a drive-thru, I give a different tract to the person in the window than I would put in a book. I like to take a tract called "Ticket to Heaven" that looks like a ticket and when I see people waiting in line for a movie or a hockey game, I walk throught the line and offer everyone free tickets. Bang! 100 plus people with the way to everlasting life in their hands!
It's very easy because people in general are polite and will almost always take them. So get some tracts, and keep a small amount on you at all times, because you never know when you will see an open door to slip one into a sinner's hands. I'm going to leave you with a link to a great website for purchasing tracts at the best prices anywhere. They have many different types of tracts that are original and amusing and, more imoprtantly, share the gospel Biblically. Go to www.livingwaters.com
Until next week, go out and be bold! The righteous are as bold as a lion!